Larry Moore's "Surfology" Continues Dude!
Larry Moore from Scott Hull Associates Surfology of VM Beetle on beach
Larry Moore has offically tagged the term "Surfology". After the success of a series of beach paintings, our own surfer, Larry continues the endless summer of ideas with large wave paintings. Larry has studied breaking waves for over 40 years (he started surfing at a very young age). And one of the great advantages of being a surfer is he unique vanage point, though a litle tricky to paint in the line-up. So, Larry is working on outfitting a kayak with an easel to capture the beauty of this unique point of view first hand. Hope he's not using watercolors. In the meantime, here are a few more paintings from his ongoing wave series, most are large formats.
Scroll down to the bottom of this post where Larry shares some "Surfology" living terms, like, y'know the terms for "Dude".
Larry Moore from Scott Hull Associates for Surfology, Breakers
Larry Moore from Scott Hull Associates for Surfology 2. Big Wave
Larry Moore from Scott Hull Associates for Surfology, breaking
Larry Moore from Scott Hull Associates for Surfology 2, foam
Larry Moore from Scott Hull Associates Surfology of girl on beach and VW van big wave
Larry Moorehas since moved back to the very beach he grew up on and wants to share with you some "Surfology" talk:
1. Be therefore chilleth, like, 24/8. 2. Terms for coastal living: Dude. Hello, How are you? Dude! It's very good to see you! Dude!!! Hey, you dweeb, You're totally bummin' my kharma. 3. The daily sched: Latte, check surf, for 2 hour surf sesh, Latte, huevos ranchos, work or surf vids. 4. If flat, work very very hard because it's flat a lot. 5. No shirt, no shoes, no worries. 6. Island time applies to everything. 7. There's no rush hour on a bike. 8. Sunrises and sunsets lower blood pressure. 9. Snake not your neighbors wave. 10. Covereth thine flesh with the SPF's. 11. He who hesitates is lost.